

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of cheating, which thrice in our lifetime there has been brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of Moist law can be maintained, and to promote social progress and better standards of Supercoach Draft in larger freedom.


to practice tolerance and play together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain competitive peace, and to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods.


Enjoying competition with friends while having fun.

Chapter 1: Draft Settings

  1. League and Length Settings

    10 Teams, Non Keeper League, Head to Head, Round 1 Start, Finals rnd 20, Play during byes, Play opponents twice

  2. Player Draft Set Up

    Draft Date and Time to be set by the Moistests no later than two weeks prior to Round 1.

    Squad Size: 4-5-1-4/5 | 19 Players

    Squad Size (alternate): 5-7-1-5/4 | 22 Players

    Live One Computer No Time Limit Draft, Draft Order: Snake.

  3. Teams, Trading & Gameplay:

    No Captains, Yes to Emergency, Rolling Lockout, Trade Waivers, Waivers Claims Display Off, One Day Waiver period, Last Pick to Bottom order, Commissioner Approved Inter-Team Trading (Moistests Approved), Multi-Player trades Up to Five.

Chapter 2: The Moistests

  1. Each year the winner of the Moist Southerlies competition will be crowned King/Queen Moist.
  2. The newly crowned King/Queen will take ownership of the trophy (The Moistest Southerly - "The Moistest" or "The Moisty") in a crowning ceremony (psa: dont google that).
  3. The newly crowned King/Queen will be inducted into "The Moistests".
  4. The number of current Moistests will be a minimum and a maximum of 5 members and therefore consists of the 5 Most Recent winning Kings/Queens of the Moist Southerly.
  5. All historical Moistests will always be a Moistest (just only partially relevant).
  6. If a person nominates themselves out of the Moistests the next previous winner not in the current Moistests will take their place.

Chapter 3: Draft Order

  1. The encumbent King/Queen moist will set the draft order for the upcoming season. By way of Random. Game, Task, Puzzle or otherwise.
  2. The encumbent King/Queen moist lead coordination of the draft night. (with help from the other Moistests & Moisties)

Chapter 5: Rule Making

  1. Rules and Principles will be voted on by the Moistests.
  2. Mid season rule additions or changes that are nesessitated as a result of someone breaking the purpose will be brought to a vote of the Moistests.
  3. Any moist southerly, moistest or not is able to submit a suggested rule addition deletion or change for the moistests to vote on.

Rule 1: Inter team Trading

  1. Trading between teams require "commissioner approval". This will be voted on by the encumbent Moistests.
  2. There will be maximum number of 5 voting parties from the 5 most current winners of the Moist Southerly.
  3. Teams who are a mathematic impossibility to make finals are prohibited from being able to inter team trade.

Rule 2: Draft Pool

  1. Should there be a limit of how many players you're allowed to drop in a week? This is intended to limit the fix up/clean up after someone breaks Principle 1.
  2. Teams who are mathematically impossiblity to make finals are prohibited to intentionally drop 'good players into the draft pool with the intention of making other teams better.

    *good players are defined as any player averaging over 85, who are not listed as Long Term injuries, in any postion, or as voted on by the Moistests.

Wooden Spoon

• Beginning 2019, the Wooden Spoon will face two punishments for finishing last on the ladder.

  1. Commit to writing the first 4 Round Results wrap of the following year.
  2. Payment of Supercoach Gold upgrade: The Wooden Spoon will pay for Supercoach Gold. In an effort to be better.